Sep 6, 2023


Add to the list:

- Doctors (especially in diagnosis)

- Lawyers

- Bookkeepers and Accountants

- Journalists

- Special Effects Artists

- 80% of everyone else needed to create movies

- 85% of all "Coaches" of all sorts business

- Musicians (look for "AI cover" on Youtube to get a glimpse)

- All sorts of Visual Artists

- HR people

- Coders and Programmers (ironically)

- Personal Trainers

- Wedding Planners

- Teachers (after elementary school)

- Soldiers (AI drones)

- Anyone living off of affiliate websites because AI just provides any information requested like an advisor directly, without showing results pages or making use of all your SEO-magic

- Webdesigners

Basically everyone except:

- The people keeping IT infrastructure running

- Manual labor jobs like roofers, etc.


Boston Dynamics can provide reliable bodies for AI to interact in our physical world. They are getting there.

By 2030 everything is different.

Let's just hope for a CME event, or not, depending on your stance.




Written by Scollurio

Hailing from Austria, a self-employed graphics designer and writer since 2009. Loves long walks in the forest, rain, thoughtful solitude and silly raccoons.

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