astrohaus freewrite hero image
There it is, in all it’s glory.

Astrohaus Freewrite Smart Typewriter Gen. 3 Review

An honest review from a native austrian

7 min readJan 17, 2023


Yep, I finally got one. There are some reviews of this very, very niche product out there already, but most of them do not review the latest generation (3). Also, maybe this is interesting to some of you, I’m typing up my review from an austrian (german language, ISO-DE keyboard layout) perspective and answer the burning question: How well is the Freewrite Smart Typewriter suited for NON english speaking authors?

The Freewrite and it’s keyboard layouts

astrohaus freewrite with teleport aftermarket keycaps
Trying Teleport Keycaps on the Freewrite. Not a nice match.

You see, if you are not a native english speaker, you’re kind of out of luck with the keyboard layout. The third generation of this nice piece of equipment unfortunately does away with the ISO-layout the second generation still had. As a german speaker, this is quite unusual for me. But, at the end of the day, if you’re typing blind and since you can switch to a german keyboard layout on the software side of things, it’s passable.

Still I’d have preferred being able to use a german ISO-DE keyboard layout natively. One of the options you have, is trying to fix a standard Cherry…




Written by Scollurio

Hailing from Austria, a self-employed graphics designer and writer since 2009. Loves long walks in the forest, rain, thoughtful solitude and silly raccoons.

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