a bottle of corona beer
Photo by Jake Bradley on Unsplash

Austria Seems to Have Reached Herd Immunity but No One Cares…

Official graphs paint a clear picture, or do they?

3 min readSep 7, 2020


I’ll make this short, as I am pretty sure everyone has had enough of Corona articles and “news” already. I’m not going to make predictions, I’m not going to give a biased article and definitely I will not scaremonger. I also understand that Austria, my home country, and it’s numbers may not be representative for your region.

Still, I think it’s interesting.

I present to you the official chart, as reported by our state, mainstream media. This is no alt-news crap, it’s the real deal.

austrian corona statistics

Let me translate what you’re seeing here real quick for you:

This chart is from 15th of August, 2020. The red line is the positive tests, the blue line is people who have recovered and are well, the yellow line is actually active cases who need medical care and the grey line is corona-related deaths. We are ramping up testing each and every day, we test much more than back in march but serious cases or even deaths remain low to non-existant.




Hailing from Austria, a self-employed graphics designer and writer since 2009. Loves long walks in the forest, rain, thoughtful solitude and silly raccoons.