2 min readAug 22, 2021


Calm the horses. Don’t you see that YOU are also insulting and belittling people even before they get the chance to read about your point of view? Obsession with growth? It’s not an obsession, it’s a necessity and a natural thing for a supposedly intelligent species like humans, isn’t it? Are you done learning at age 3? No? What about age 18? Got a diploma, driving license and a fixed set of opinions and off you go to life for the next 60 to 70 years? Hardly. Life is change, change necissities growth.

Saying you have no need of growth is like saying “you are perfect”. You are not. I am not. No one is. Putting oneself on a higher spot and talking down to others upsets you, understandably so. Then why counter this by doing the same? I just don’t get it.

I’m not here to judge you or give you advice, but can share my impression I get and that is, that you carry a lot of anger and hatred. You will not “win” by fighting the kind of people you seem to clearly “hate”. You will only poisin yourself with it. Do you enjoy a roof over your head? A warm blanket during winter and food on your table? Great, everyone can agree on that. We are all humans. Yes maybe people have shat on you. They have on me too. But it will benefit no one if we dump on people who disagree with us.

Again, that’s just my opinion. I’m not all-knowing, no guru, nothing of sorts. It’s just the impression I have and I feel that people who create content, no matter the media, have some sort of “responsibility” fo not further dividing people as they already are.

Feel free to ignore opposing opinions, protect your sanity and personal boundaries. Sure. I just think the last thing this world needs is another hate-filled article no matter the subject.

People disagree with you for a reason. And many lack the ways of calmly explaining their ways to their peers and yes that’s upsetting. But treating them the same way will only escalate things further.

Not trying to change your mind. Just putting it out there.




Written by Scollurio

Hailing from Austria, a self-employed graphics designer and writer since 2009. Loves long walks in the forest, rain, thoughtful solitude and silly raccoons.

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