Hm. Trump didn't start a war did he? He's actively interested in stopping what's going on in Ukraine and as an outsider the "America first" stuff is exactly what you guys would need.
Inflation is down? From what? 0,2% down after going up 10? Unemployment is down? I don't know I keep getting compilations of Philadelphia, San Francisco, etc. with loads of drug addicted homeless people on the streets.
Yes Gaza is a shit show on many levels.
And the border thing, yes of course, the incentives. Sure. But you simply can't have wide open borders. Same problem here in Europe. You can check everyone boarding a plane or going on a concert but you can't secure the borders? Oh my.
Oh and don't get me started on certain agendas.
Is Trump perfect? Heck no. Who is? But I get the impression many people voting against trump rather amputate their leg to avoid cutting their finger.
Thank you for respectfully disagreeing on things, and again, since I don't have a horse in the race I'm only sharing my personal perspective from overseas, where it appears the US has lost its mind and we are all collectively losing to BRICS.