Thank you for your Input Hans. Never thought of that, mostly because I see tablets as pure consumation devices and not productivity tools. Yeah yeah I know, they've come a long way, I may not be up to date. I AM oldfashioned so it makes sense I gravitate towards Linux, but of course, you are right.
But I hope with Apples M-chip push for everything that more and more Linux Distros will also adapt that new architecture. Hardware manufacturers seem to go the RISC/ARM Route as well. So there is hope that at one point there is ONE hardware architecture and everything runs on it.
Also, Linux is a viable option for MOST consumers now, fringe and niche cases still need to look elsewhere. I can't do my graphics design business on Linux because Adobe or Affinity is nowhere to be seen. So Linux is an "everday computing" and "writing" thing for me.
You say "heavy writing" on the tablet. May I ask what kind of keyboard you use for that?