Retro has been “en-vogue” since I can remember. Only what “retro” means, in a time-frame perspective slightly differs, it seems. But somehow, it probably always means stuff from around 30–70 years ago. As time moves forward, naturally, that window also moves with it. That’s how I understand it.
Driven by nostalgia or nostalgia-induced trends, humanity always seems to look backwards, to the “good old times”.
But why is that? Why not exclusively look forward?
Retro tech, for example, comes with a certain amount of inconvenience, thus forcing you to take your time to focus on the task at hand, focusing your attention at just the one thing, instead of doing everything half-assed and “inbetween” everything else.
Maybe our subconsciousness tries to tell us something. To slow down. At least the industry is listening and so “awareness” is trendy now. Fair enough, but I think it’s a bit sad, that we live in times, where you need to be aware of how you spend your time and attention, because there’s an overwhelming amount of stuff to see, do and experience, that getting completely lost in it all, might even be harmful.
Multitasking is a lie. Our brain cannot, technically, multitask. It can jump between tasks, really quickly. But that’s about it. It might work well enough with two or…